The secp256k1 curve permits the computation of the public key of signed
digest when coupled with a signature, which is used implicitly to
establish the origin of a transaction from an Externally Owned Account
as well as on-chain in EVM contracts for example, in meta-transactions and
multi-sig contracts.
Currently signatures require 65 bytes to represent, which when aligned
to 256-bit words, requires 96 bytes (with 31 zero bytes injected). The
yParity in RLP-encoded transactions also require (on average) 1.5 bytes.
With compact signatures, this can be reduced to 64 bytes, which remains 64
bytes when word-aligned, and in the case of RLP-encoded transactions
saves the 1.5 bytes required for the yParity.
The motivations for a compact representation are to simplify handling
transactions in client code, reduce gas costs and reduce transaction sizes.
A secp256k1 signature is made up of 3 parameters, r, s and yParity.
The r represents the x component on the curve (from which the y can be
computed), and the s represents the challenge solution for signing by a
private key. Due to the symmetric nature of an elliptic curve, a yParity
is required, which indicates which of the 2 possible solutions was intended,
by indicating its parity (odd-ness).
Two key observations are required to create a compact representation.
First, the yParity parameter is always either 0 or 1 (canonically the values
used have historically been 27 and 28, as these values didn’t collide with other
binary prefixes used in Bitcoin).
Second, the top bit of the s parameters is always 0, due to the use of
canonical signatures which flip the solution parity to prevent negative values,
which was introduced as a constraint in Homestead.
So, we can hijack the top bit in the s parameter to store the value of
yParity, resulting in:
[256-bit r value][1-bit yParity value][255-bit s value]
Example Implementation In Python
# Assume yParity is 0 or 1, normalized from the canonical 27 or 28
The compact representation proposed is simple to both compose and decompose
in clients and in Solidity, so that it can be easily (and intuitively) supported,
while reducing transaction sizes and gas costs.
Backwards Compatibility
The Compact Representation does not collide with canonical signature as
it uses 2 parameters (r, yParityAndS) and is 64 bytes long while canonical
signatures involve 3 separate parameters (r, s, yParity) and are 65 bytes long.
The ethers.js library supports this in v5
as an unofficial property of split signatures (i.e. sig._vs), but should be
considered an internal property that may change at discretion of the community
and any changes to this EIP.
Security Considerations
There are no additional security concerns introduced by this EIP.
Richard Moore (@ricmoo), Nick Johnson <>, "ERC-2098: Compact Signature Representation," Ethereum Improvement Proposals, no. 2098, March 2019. [Online serial]. Available: